► Lower limb
Vessels and nerves of the popliteal fossa and the leg
# M biceps femoris
M semitendinosus #
M gastrocnemius, Caput mediate #
# M soleus
& M fibularis [peroneus] longus
M plantaris, Tendo #
M gastrocnemius
A poplitea •
M semimembranosus $
N. tibialis
• V poplitea
• V. saphena parva
• M gastrocnemius, Caput laterale
A ; V. suralis • •
A. inferior medialis genus •
Vv tibiales posteriores •
Arcus tendineus musculi solei
H I 9
Rr musculares (N tibialis)
A.; V tibialis posterior • •
M tibialis posterior, Tendo •
Retinaculum musculorum flexorum
Tendo calcaneus
• M fibularis [peroneus] brevis
Malleolus lateralis
Retinaculum musculorum fibularium
[peroneorum] superius
Fig. 1411
Vessels and nerves of the popliteal fossa, Fossa
after removal of the deep fascia of leg and dissection of the
poplitea, and the posterior region of leg, Regio cruris posterior;
gastrocnemius muscle.
Fig. 1412 a-d
Variations in the branching pattern of the
popliteal artery, A. poplitea.
a Common trunk of the anterior and posterior tibial artery,
Aa. tibiales anterior et posterior, along with the fibular
artery, A. fibularis
b The popliteal artery, A. poplitea, branches off proximally to
the superior border of the popliteal muscle, M. popliteus.
c Posterior tibial and fibular artery, Aa. tibialis posterior
et fibularis, originate from a common proximal trunk,
The anterior tibial artery, A. tibialis anterior,
passes ventrally to the popliteal muscle, M. popliteus.